Thursday, April 13th
8pm | Salle Edmond Vigne de Fontaine
An international forum on the question of proof of ascents in high-level alpinism: this debate will be held in the context of increasing professionalization in alpinism, and will feature the voices of alpinists, journalists, and historians, revisit famous controversies of the past, explore new questions and discuss potential changes to the Piolet d’Or charter. François Carrel will moderate a public debate between journalists and historians (Kelly Cordes, Jean-Jacques Prieur and Rodolph Popier), professional alpinists (Thomas Huber and Sébastien Ratel) and representatives from alpine institutions (Christian Trommsdorff - GHM, Lindsay Griffin - American Alpine Journal, and George Lowe - American Alpine Club).
At the beginning of the evening, members of the Piolet d’Or Jury will announce the winning ascents of 2016. The awards will be given during Part Two of the 2017 Piolet d’Or in November. Open to the Public.